Interactive Displays

Reducing CO2 year after year.

SYNETECH has achieved carbon reduction certification for all of its interactive displays.

The commitment of the SYNETECH brand to sustainability and the reduction of its carbon footprint is materialised by obtaining the "CO2 Reduction" certificate, awarded by Carbon Trust, for all its interactive touch screens.

Carbon Trust is the leading independent certification body in terms of the carbon footprint. Its certifications follow the only internationally recognised carbon neutrality standard, PAS 2060.

Obtaining the Carbon Trust's "CO2 Reduction" certificate is recognition that the brand complies with all the requirements for measuring and reducing the carbon footprint associated with the manufacture and distribution of its products each year.

SYNETECH, in its strong commitment to reduce the accelerating impact of climate change, has achieved certification by 2023 for all ranges of its interactive touchscreens, thanks to reduced energy consumption during operation.

This achievement is a testament to our ongoing commitment to minimize our impact on the environment and promote sustainable business practices.

sustainable interactive displays

The company has been working for years to offer innovative audiovisual solutions that change the way we interact with the environment, but also protect it, minimizing the impact of environmentally harmful activities.

SYNETECH offers, both in LED screens and interactive displays, solutions that are increasingly sustainable, thanks to the quality of the raw materials used during the manufacturing phase and the application of cutting-edge technology, which allows the product's useful life to be extended and reduces the great impact of industrial waste on the planet.

The company's commitment is to continue designing disruptive solutions using highly technological techniques, which help minimize the negative effect of the carbon footprint and build a greener and more sustainable future. SYNETECH makes the difference.

Shall we talk?

Contact us for more information about SYNETECH's audiovisual solutions. Our professionals will contact you as soon as possible.